“You’re really the first Korean Adoptee I’ve spoken to as an adult…”

That was what Benny and I both found ourselves saying to each other after we first met back in winter of 2020.

We realized the value that came from having another person truly understand our experiences as Korean adoptees growing up through the 80s and 90s in small rural towns in America. We wanted to find a way to connect with other KADs and build a community where people could learn and share our various stories and experiences.

And so, Seoul Conversations was born! Armed with a loose plan, cheap microphones, zero knowledge of podcasting, and a “let’s just figure it out as we go along” attitude, we set out to record our first episode back in February 2021. Originally intending to only record and release a handful of episodes, we had no idea where it would go or the impact it would have.

Fast forward to now. We are three seasons and thirty episodes in with no signs of stopping. We have an additional co-host, Kara DeLost, and we have built and found a wonderful community with all of our guests and listeners!

We are beyond humbled and appreciative of all the love and support we’ve found along this journey, and we are so excited to have you along for the ride with us!