S3 Episode 7: I Am Korean…Right?

On this week’s episode we are taking a deeper look at imposter syndrome and how it shows up in our day to day life as Korean adoptees and Asian Americans. We are thrilled to have Kara Rickmers (@rizzlekara) joining us all the way from The Motherland for this conversation and are even more excited to hear all about her experience living and working in Korea as an adoptee.

Kara also works for G.O.A.’L. Korea (Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link @goalkorea), a KAD-run nonprofit organization in Korea for Korean adoptees, so tune in to find out more about all of the incredible work G.O.A.’L. is doing, and check out their website: www.goal.or.kr


S3 Episode 8: Minding Your Mindset


S3 Episode 6: Remembering Atlanta and AAPI Hate